Tuesday, 1 October 2019

The Call of Home

Well the book has been published! Almost ten years of research has gone into it. In the end I had to decide what to put into the book and what to leave out. I'm amazed at how much information there is out there on the internet, and because the Cornish Diaspora spread all across the world, how much is available for free. I'm especially indebted to Peter Lane and Tom Cory for their help in following tenuous links for me.
Last September I thought that the book was complete but then Tom turned up a distant relative in Adelaide who had a number of family photographs dating back to the 1850s. She kindly let me use them in the book.

The book is a hardback, list price £20 and is available from my publisher 3PPublishing or by contacting me directly. You can also order it from any bookshop in the UK. Alternatively you can download the Kindle version.
